Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interview with North Joreida

if you run for senate, what part of the senate chambers would you most like to sit in?
smack in the middle, but on the left side of my seat
what do you do during leisure moments on the campaign trail?
* North_Joredia facepalms at funny lolcat videos
i see
and whats been the best lolcat video you've ever seen?
or facepalmed at
"Funny talking cats"
its about funny cats who talk
but some interpret it as cats talking funnily, noone can come to a decision
and one last question
how do you like your hot chocolate?
Well, on a weekday or schoolday, i like it hard in black. if its a late night, i take it with java- however any other day it is chalk full of whatever the corner salesman is selling
and what's been the best tasting flavor from that salesman?
i'd have to say ecstacy, however this new LSD additive has got something special. Recently, i tried scraping the black powder from the SSS-11's engine into the chocolate. It was bad, don't do that.
thank you for the warning NJ
and that will be all
thank YOU Gr
no problem

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Wedding!

Our very own Pater Fontelian and Lady Jane of Imperial Britain (aka Lady The Malamutes) are going to be celebrating their nuptials shortly!

The wedding is scheduled for the Puteulanus Shrine, on October 25th, at 4:00 PM CDT (9:00 PM GMT). A reception will be held in Imperial Britain afterwards.

We of the SHT congratulate the happy couple on their engagement and upcoming nuptials!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 2nd Edition

Sapientian High Times

co-printed as Sapientian International High Times

Election Results are In!

The Elections ended October 1st, and the tally sat on the desk of the SHT for a couple days while the Editor started making a hat on a loom as part of a secret mission for a different newspaper. But with the hat unfinished and waiting down the street, the Editor has decided to type them into an issue.

Ketchupland and Narchavvia have won! Ketchupland, an Independant incumbant, came in second to Narchavvia, one of the last bastions of Federalists in Sapientia. The Indian Empire, Lord Pie, and Xubra brought up the tail end of the voting spree.

Xubra Leaves Wisdom for Justice

Xubra, a longstanding and much respected member of the region, former Chief Justice, and former Federalist, left Sapientia Wednesday, saying simply that it was time he moved on and created his own region. He left with kind words for many members of the region, particularly Esoteric Thought, whom he called a Comrade in Arms and created Iustitia, Justice, in honor of his time here as the most highly regarded legal mind in the region.


Free Liberal America, a wizened old member of the forum from back in the late stone age (that age which came before the modern hot chocolate age) who stayed briefly through the hot chocolate age, is back! After a brief name mix up, he's settled upon the original FLA, and has resumed work as the Wise Guru of Spam.

He's also been adopted by the House of Thought, and brought his pet T-Rex, Rexy, to the family. Baron and Rexy are now best friends, in possibly the first ever friendship between a dinosaur and a Bernese Mountain Dog.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wake me up when September ends

Two days, and we'll be in a new month. September wasn't such a brilliant month. The Sapientian Senate has been slow lately. Not so many Acts proposed, the ones brought up are not really significant, or innovative. September can be called the Spam Month. Or the Threads-Go-Off-Topic Month. It can be funny, but also a sign that more work is necessary. It's also sad that proposals are left in their middle, such as the Constitutional review. A laziness wave hit our government. Sadly enough, Sapientia can't move if the government doesn't work.

The economy reform hasn't worked, visibly. Bureaucracy is still a ghost which haunts the government effectiveness. The Senate election can be, hopefully, a change. A Federalist, Narchavvia, is almost assured as a new Senator. Narchavvia leads the poll and gives the Federalist Party more power in the Legislative.

Ironically, the Senate has just six active members. The Operation hasn't showed up since a long time ago, and nobody has yet replaced him. The inactivity, therefore, remains.

I wonder if such slow activity is result of the Anniversary Party. Maybe, our government is suffering a hangover. Too much alcohol in the hot chocolate?

The election results are awaited, such as more activity from the region command. So, please, wake me up when September ends (just if it's worth it).


SHT Political Analyst

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome to the SHT Blog

Welcome to the Sapientian High Times blog. Here, the news can be accessed easily.

Get inside the Sapientia news in the SHT blog. Important happenings, politics, entertainment, and information. Everything to keep you, Sapientian or not, informed about this Wise Region happenings.

The SHT blog also brings comments on several real life issues, as well as philosophical discussion and views.

SHT blog readers are encouraged to post their comments on the issues.

Sapientian High Times: Information with a drop of Wisdom!

Our special thanks,

Fontelian - Political Analyst and Editor
Lobolius (Golden Retriver) - SHT Editor